These items are in stock and are for the purpose of division rental and purchase. These Items are for business purposes only and not intended for personal use. Cumulative purchases, including shipping costs, exceeding $1000 in a calendar year will be the responsibility of the division and billed through intercompany.
REC1253 - Mars Rover Kit (Rental)
sku: REC1253Mars rover is a great team building game.
Nucor CORP owns 5 Rental Mars Rover Kits.
Mars Rover Game includes:
- 1 Facilitator guide
- 1 USB drive
- 8 Workbooks
- 5 game part bags
- 1 set of role cards, task cards and blueprints
- 1 extra bag of game pieces and tires
If you would like to purchase one for your division. You may do so here: