These items are in stock and are for the purpose of division rental and purchase. These Items are for business purposes only and not intended for personal use. Cumulative purchases, including shipping costs, exceeding $1000 in a calendar year will be the responsibility of the division and billed through intercompany.
MKT1260 - Nucor White Breakaway Lanyard with Single Bulldog Clip
sku: MKT1260This white Nucor breakaway lanyard is a popular strap worn around the neck to be used as an identification card holder for events or trade shows. This lanyard features a break away neck strap. Works great with MKT1146 Clear Badge Holder.
This Lanyard is a stock item. There are so many different custom colors and styles to choose from. If you would like to order these for you division and need a different style other than the one shown here, please give us a call at 704-334-9333 or send us an email
$2.56 ea. This item will be billed interoffice.