These items are in stock and are for the purpose of division rental and purchase. These Items are for business purposes only and not intended for personal use. Cumulative purchases, including shipping costs, exceeding $1000 in a calendar year will be the responsibility of the division and billed through intercompany.
TRD1526 - Recruitment Kit Medium - (Rental)
sku: TRD1526This Nucor Medium Tradeshow Kit includes:
- Option of TRD1209 - 6ft Table Cover or TRD1205 - 8ft Table Cover
- TRD1508 - 6ft Curved Tabletop Display: "Be Part of Something Bigger"
- TRD1506 Mini Retractable Banner: "Supports You"
- TRD1507 Mini Retractable Banner: "The Nucor Experience"
- TRD1509 Retractable Banner (Double Sided): "Who is Nucor"
For additional tradeshow rentals, click the link below
These are rental items to be used by divisions as needed and to be returned. To purchase one for your division, please call 704-334-9333 or email